Saturday, we woke up and had a bit of a lazy morning but not too much because Christopher had a birthday party to go to. Now, because of his allergies we always have to take snacks and treats he can have to send with him. We got that all together and off we went. Took Christopher to his party, ran some errands then had a church wide "pig roast" (good eatin) and a person's home, then had to pick up Christopher and finally home again. All this while Mike coughed and such. He caughts the kids colds. Saturday evening we watched movies, hung out and got ready for Sunday. Sunday we woke up a bit later than planned because Jennifer did not sleep well. I got the kids fed and dressed. Grabbed the diaper bag and off we went. I went to the church Mike is filing in for because I didnt have to keep nursery at our regular church. We were late! Not so good when hubby is the pastor but it happens. We were only late for Sunday school and only by a couple of minutes. So I take the kids to the back room for Mommy led Sunday school. Jennifer who has been doing really well with potty, had an accident....thank the Lord for pull ups. BUT wouldn't you know it......Mike had taken himself and the girls to my inlaws on Friday for dinner and I had stayed home with Christopher who was recovering from a 24 hour bug. They had used the pullups that were in the bag, although I swear there were 6 in the bag and NO ONE TOLD ME! Usually, I check the bag before we leave but Sunday morning I did not. Yep, you guessed it. NO PULLUPS and NO regular panties in the bag. I did have a pair of long pants so I put those on her cold, naked bottom and took her and Hannah on a quick trip in the car back home to get the pull ups. Grabbed a few pull ups out of the house, took the pants off Jennifer in the car, replaced them with pull ups, strapped her back in her seat and off to church we went. I having a moment of wisdom had already put chicken in the crock pot. So on the way home from church after having had a discussion about how my mother in law feels we "never" ask them to dinner (not true it has been a while but we have) decided to call them and ask them over for lunch. Race home to make sure the house is inlaw ready and finished preparing lunch. It was a nutty day. Father in law took Christopher to Junior Bible Quiz because I had to stay home wiht not feeling well Jennifer and Mike was sick too. His church does not have service on Sunday nights so we go to our other church as a general rule, where we are just members. (hopefully you are not to confused but I am writing this while sleep deprived). Anyway, this morning after another sleepless night, I get up, get out the door to take the kids to school late all while having words with Mike. Not a major arguement, but one of those irritated with each other disagreements and had to explain to my 4 year old, daddy did not kiss mommy because he has a cold. NOt because mommy and daddy had a disagreement. Jennifer is still under the weather but seems fine during the day. It is night time she has trouble. So now I need to do laundry, clean house, pick up Hannah from school, go order her birthday cake for Sunday celebration (her birthday if Friday), go back and pick up Christopher........and the list goes on. Sometimes I don't feel like I can spread myself thin enough. But it has been a crazy weekend, and here I sit in my big sloppy shirt and sweat pants......looking all the part of a stay at home mom who is overworked and underslept. Regardless, when my sweet baby told me a while ago "I uvs you mommy" it makes it all worthwhile. Now, I really should get up from here and go put on some laundry, clean up the crumbs off the kitchen floor, start the dishwasher, make the beds.....clean the bathrooms........oh why oh why can't the EASY BUTTON work.........especially for homes.....well a Mommy can dream, can't she?
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
The to-do list never ends, does it?
no it doesnt....and I was just looking at my that it is at th bottom of the page....I cant see it all..what's up with that....LOL.
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