The sweet words of my children......the cute ways they say all goes by so fast.
Jennifer said this morning "buttah buttah open dis"...(brother, brother open this).
The other day we were going to church, listening to praise and worship music and she was singing and clapping and said "How way woo ya(hallelujah) Yay GOD"! God's little warmed me to my soul.
Christopher in his sweet, innocent faith.....talks about how everyone loves Jesus. He sees the good in people, looks for the good in people and expects good things to happen. Wish all people viewed the world this way. Expecting good, speaking good....looking for the good, that is the way we should live.
And my Hannah, sweet middle child Hannah...She is so full of wisdom and girly girl expressions. She loves her daddy with all her heart and soul and talks about how she is going to never leave her daddy. Well except to "marry Uncle Joey" (hubby's cousin) so they can ride roller coasters together. Now Joseph is probably mid 40's at least....but she is in love with him and he live in FLORIDA and she knows they can find a roller coaster. The child has never been on one and probably would not go on one....but she is willing to talk about it.
I will from time to time have to put what they say in my blog because....I always say "I'll never forget that"....but there are things that are in the tip of my tongue that I can't remember.....and I wish I could. Things that were funny, or kind of sad or so profound it would knock your socks off...but me.......being busy......forgot to write them down. They are up there...somewhere in my memory banks.....and that got me to thinking.....
That is why the word of God tells us:
"You shall teach my words diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up" Deueteronomy 6:7 NKJV
When we put the word to memory it becomes a part of our very easily recalled...we need to live, eat, and breathe His word.
So this summer I am trying somethitn new...each week the kids and I are going to learn and memorize a new scripture along with daily Junior Bible Quiz study. However, we are going to make it fun.....explore the word together.....and I pray God will help me bind it to their hearts and it will never be lost in the never never land of their memory banks....but be in the foremost front of their minds.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
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