For me coffee isn't just about caffeine..I drink half's the taste, the smell, the feel of it and that warm fuzzy feeling it brings back of my Daddy sharing his coffee with me and calling me his coffee girl. It's about how my granny used to share cheese and coffee with me after I'd spend the night with her......the smell of her face cream lingering in the ear and the biscuits baking in the oven as we talked about what we were going to do that day. It's about my Grandma standing at the stove, the smell of coffee in the air as she used some of it to make red eye gravy to go with ham and's more than just a hot beverage to me.
I remember cold winter mornings, (yes we had a few in North West Florida)....On those cold mornings, the smell off coffee and breakfast as we got ready for school next to the stove in the kitchen, it smelled like what a cuddle would smell like, warm and toasty.
Now when I drink coffee all those thoughts and memories aren't something I think about constantly. They are there, though, in the recesses of my mind becoming a part of our mornings. My girls and my son getting ready for school, the giggles and rush of the mornings and becoming a part of our memories.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Posted by Unknown at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2014
School day number 3
Homework time. We are changing the way we do homework this year in hopes we can stay focused. All homework will be done at the dining room table, no talking allowed. They can take some wiggle breaks but homework starts at 4 pm and they keep working until it is done. That way they get a snack and some free time before homework for fun. The sooner they finish homework, they sooner they can get to outside play or play time with neighborhood friends,
Posted by Unknown at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2014
School days....
Good old golden rule days.............
It's that time of year is just about here, the summer is over. It is bitter sweet. Watching them grow and learn is so much fun but having them gone all day....yeah not such a fan.
I am so trying to get back into blogging every day. I hope I can get back into it by blogging the school year and adventures.
I pray for the teachers as they teach our most precious gifts. I pray for stamina, strength and patience. I pray for them to be able to see what each student needs most to grow and thrive as they learn.
I pray for the kids as they learn and grow. I pray for kids not to be bullies and to learn compassion and kindness. I pray for kids to be quick to listen, obey and learn. I pray for safety.
I pray for parents, first time parents who are letting their little on go for the first time. For them as they learn what it is like to let go a little more each day.
I pray for the weary parent who is looking forward to the year to start in order to get a reprieve from the 24/7 challenges he or she has faced.
I pray for the parent of the special needs child who needs extra support, love and understanding.
I pray for administrators and staff from the principal to the janitors as they go about their tasks each day trying to make school a fun and safe place to learn and grow.
May your days be filled with joy, whatever role you play and may this year be the best one yet.
Posted by Unknown at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Puppy adventure
So we did it...we have a puppy. We are very blessed to have him and are very thankful. Having a puppy is much like having a newborn and toddler rolled up into one. He is sweet and cute and naughty and whiny and loving and cranky all with in short spans of each other. We are adjusting, he is adjusting. As we embark on this grand puppy adventure expect to see all sorts of stuff from him. And so begins some posts from his "perspective".
The Puppy Blog:
Posted by Unknown at 7:40 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
(Here it is a weeks later from the first "summer post" and I am just now making another one...busy busy busy.)
To say Jenny loves pink is an understatement. She loves all things pink and she is a vibrant, sweet and innocent as pink represents to me. Her newest foot wear of choice is her pink boots. She doesn't care that it is warm/hot outside she just loves to wear them. Add her Hello kitty poncho for rain and she is pink, head to toe. And in the below photo it cracked me up that even the flash reflected in her eyes looks pink.
I can't believe my pink girl is 8. She is such a sweet representation of the innocence of childhood and summer. Isn't that what summer is about..innocence and childhood? If only we all enjoyed life like a child. We would relish in a poncho with boots on a warm summer day regardless of what others might think. We'd wear our favorite outfit without shame just because it made us feel happy. She isn't ashamed to be who she is or to enjoy life to the full. She lives and walks in joy and those boots were made for walking, dancing, jumping, running and living. Live with that joy sweet girl because you spread it around you like sunshine.
Posted by Unknown at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 23, 2014
Random summer moments......
I am going to TRY, emphasis on try to take a photo each day of random summer moments around our house. Capturing random moments in our lives..........will add to the kids memories one day. Moments that go by so fleeting lost in the expanse of time and space as years go by. It is the random moments that make up memories. It isn't just the big moments that make up precious memories but those little moments that seemed so small that are remembered later in life.
Moments like this, .......reading a book on a summer morning while the other kids play...simply because today...she's rather be reading and letting her imagination take her to places she can't be in person. Letting her imagine being the part of someone else's life if but for a brief moment in time. She can become the character and learn that reading gives birth to great ideas.
Posted by Unknown at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The heavens declare
The glory of God.......even sitting at a stop light waiting your turn to go......look around you and you will see God's beauty, His glory, His awesomeness. I took the below photo coming home from Tuesday night church services while sitting at the stop light. The girls were singing to the local Christian radio station and I saw the beauty God has put there. He AMAZES me. God paints with a paint brush that has ever changing magnificence. I want to open my eyes more and see and behold His glory in the every day evidence He puts before us. He shows us Himself every the sunrise and sunset. He shows us his beauty in the sound of a child laughing. He shows us his power when we watch our children praise Him. He shows us His mercy when we make a mistake with our child and they slip their little hand into ours and say "I love you Mommy".
He shows us Himself every day in so many ways, quiet, mysterious, glorious ways. All we have to do is our eyes and behold the wonders and glory of our God.
I did not edit the picture in any way except to add the words.
Posted by Unknown at 8:55 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Muffins...madness, mayhem and God's smile
The smell of fresh baked strawberry muffins wafts through the house. There is a pile of hot wheels cars on the living room floor as if a tornado when through mini car lot. The doll house has been packed to the gills with doll furniture. The kids are dressed in various dress up outfits. It sound like madness and mayhem. Some have been "arrested and put in jail", some are going to the prom, and yet another child is strolling a doll down the drive way. It seems it could be a little chaotic and no one knows what is going on. Yet, when you listen and look, you will see there is a method to the madness and mayhem. Giggles erupt and people are getting along.
The sun is shining and there is a high probability sprinkler play will come about this afternoon. Giggles, grins, madness and mayhem. It really can be a good thing. Creativity abounds. The need to get along and play the game so everyone plays the right role is of utmost importance. Oh the things we can learn from a little childhood madness and mayhem:
- Snails are cool to watch as they meander down the sidewalk,
- Bubbles on a summer day hold rainbows inside.
- Sidewalk when it is wet makes sharp, vivid designs.
- Clouds drifting by in the sky can be almost anything, including a pirate ship carrying treasure.
- Speaking of treasure, what looks like junk is actually priceless.
- Summer has smells, sounds and color, you just have to open your eyes like a child and see it.
- Popsicles are the best invention known to man.
- Flowers can look like a fairy ball room, waiting for little shoes to dance upon the floor.
- The dew on a spider web is truly magical and looks like God bejeweled the world.
- Rain is made to dance in.
- The birds sound like they are laughing sometimes, just listen, they are so happy.
- Dandelion fluff carries secrets to the far corners of the world.
- Playing together breeds friendship and grows bonds that will last a lifetime.
- Learning is done in the middle of play and you didn't realize you had an awesome life lesson.
- God made summer feel like a smile.
Posted by Unknown at 10:42 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2014
When the storm rages......
The other day we were headed to church and I was sitting at a stop light. The clouds were dark and you could tell a storm was brewing. But the beauty of the sun shining through the storm darkened clouds was breath taking. It got me to thinking about storms in our lives. There are big storms, little storms and sometimes just a rain shower. We can either worry and fret that Jesus is in the "back of the boat" sleeping or we can trust Him to care for us through the storm. Oh I have had my panic in the storm moments and I have had my how do you stay so calm through it all moments. However, there is one fact that remains constant. Regardless of how I handle the Jesus is there. He never leaves nor forsakes me. He may do it before, after or during my storm, but He shows me the beauty behind the storm. Storms change things. Sometimes it seems only for the worse, but our Lord sees and knows all. He knows what is going to happen after the storm when the sun breaks through and the rainbow shines out. He knows the promises He has made to hold you in the palm of His hand and never let go.
Sometimes, it feels like you are in the middle of storm tossed sea, drowning and struggling. Rest assured, Jesus is there. He isn't standing by letting you suffer just to let you suffer. He is a gentleman. He will not force people to do or say or be the right things. Sometimes, we suffer through a storm because of other people. Sure, He could have stepped out and stopped and spoken peace be still before the storm even started. But, He doesn't. His ways are not our ways, seems so cliche to some, but it isn't. He bore all our pain, griefs and sorrows to the cross. That doesn't mean we will never struggle or suffer, it just means our Jesus, He gets it and His sorrow for our pain was proven on the cross of Calvary. It doesn't make the storm easier, but it makes us not really be alone. We may FEEL alone, but we are not alone.
I trust Him that if He puts me through a storm or a trial, He hasn't done it to hurt me. He promise not to harm me but to give me a future, to prosper me. That doesn't mean life will be easy street. If life were always easy and we never had those stormy moments we could never be grateful for what He did for us. If life were a bed of pretty flowers and no thorns, we would not ever have to rely on Him. People ask why does God let bad things happen? I don't know the complete answer but I know He didn't do it to us. He is sovereign and He can't make mankind act a certain way. If He did, we would be mere puppets on a string unable to make the choice to love, serve and praise Him. By giving us that choice, our praise, our serving Him, our loving Him becomes an act of love and choice. When we choose to believe regardless of when or what we receive, we show Him that we know He loves us. It isn't easy. I get that. He gets that. I don't understand everything that goes on, but I do know this...................
The SON will always shine through the dark storm clouds in my life and He will always be my fortress and deliverer.
Posted by Unknown at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
It never ceases to amaze me
The intricacy of God's creation, never ceases to amaze me. I love taking pictures of nature. The depth of the color in a rose or the lines and veins in a leaf. It utterly amazes me. I can only imagine how beautiful the Garden of Eden was and how much more beautiful Heaven will be.
Posted by Unknown at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
Sweet little hands carrying flowers with dirt and roots still attached. They bring their treasure, proudly with big smiles and words of love. I love you Mommy accompanies the gift they took time to search out, pick and bring to you. Some have broken stems and leaves but oh the sweetness of such a gift offered from hearts filled with love. They have indeed brought you the best that they could bring. They can not bring you flowers that cost money. They can not bring you roses all trim and perfect so they offer you the very best they have to give, wildflowers, weeds, dandelions that hold magical beauty to them. When offered in love and sweetness these gifts are the most beautiful to behold. They took time to choose the flower. They took time to pick it and bring it to you filled with all the glow of childhood. This is BEAUTY.
It is how the Father sees our gifts when they are given with a heart of love and faith. In the grand scheme of things our offerings are simple and broken and imperfect just like we are. But OUR GOD sees them as beautiful. We can't give a gift that is worthy of Him, but He sees them as beautiful and our praise, as imperfect as it is in all our humanness is a sweet aroma. He loves us more than we love our children and when we give Him us...our imperfect, broken, maybe even dirt still falling off selves........He finds us fearfully and wonderfully made and beautiful. YOU are a treasure to God and He loves you.....imperfections and we should just give to Him from where we are. We don't have to wait to be a perfect flower to give to our Father because He loves us......just as we are. Because he ALWAYS beholds us with love.
Posted by Unknown at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
The rain washes the leaves, trees and flowers free of pollen...
It make pretty patterns on leaves.....
It smells good and fresh and is invigorating
It brings all the delicacies that the birds love to the surface....ah yes...Raindrops.....are a many splendored thing. I wish I'd had time to dance in the rain this morning.....take time......just take time to smell the rain......and relish in the beauty of God's creation.
Posted by Unknown at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2014
Looking Up
I didn't get in over the weekend, just too busy. I may take weekends off from doing my daily pictures and blog posts. Weekend is family time...
Anyway, I decided to take a couple of photos while laying flat on the ground...just for a different after all look up...a whole lot more than we do. They notice things we do not notice. They cloud watch and bug watch and find interest in everything.
Posted by Unknown at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2014
Chalk drawing....
Ahh the magic of's's texture....everything is fun about chalk. The art of chalk drawing is something that is not just for kids. Using our creative minds is good for us. God gave us creative and bright minds. We should use them to make our world a more colorful place either figuratively or literally.
Go forth and be creative...I challenge you to do so...Jenny put all of her into her drawing of a sunset.
Posted by Unknown at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Five Minute Friday....Ramblings from a Mommy brain
A friend of mine is doing a blog activity where she writes for five minutes. No editing and no back tracking. So, I thought, what not give it a try. I am sure I will ramble and I may or may not be coherent. I am not sure my caffiene level is up to full capacity today. Now does that mean, I can't spell check. Surely, spell check is allowed. I do after all teach my children to always check their spelling. I think it just means you just put down what comes to mind and don't change the thoughts, at least that is what I am going with for now.
I am sitting here looking at my front window and there appears to be a wasp buzzing around inside. Now, I gotta get that critter outta here. I hear him buzzing but don't see him at the moment. Well, it could be a she or maybe wasps don't have a gender? Who knows. I'll have to google that..eventually.
The wind is blowing, the birds are singing. The sun is shining. It is my favorite kind of day. I have a chicken in the oven, dinner is planned and my in-laws will be here for supper. They are buying a house close by and want us to take a gander at it. I pray the sell goes through. It would be of great benefit for all of us to have them near by. Grandparents are a good thing in the lives of children.
The kids are due home just before (Chris) they are due to arrive and just after they girls arrive. They(the kids) will be surprised.
So, 5 minutes went by fast and I am off to post this rambling.
Posted by Unknown at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Jesus is in the HOUSE
Jenny loves to play with her doll house and her faith based action figures. So here we are...Jesus in the house of the playhouse family.
Posted by Unknown at 3:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Road the impossible
The Barbies are taking a Road trip with rainbow hair and princess gowns. is the time to believe the impossible and believe in things like driving a silver car on a rainbow until you hair turns into a rainbow. Hannah's hand is in the picture because "Mommy her hair has to fly out behind her on her road trip". Yes, it makes sense, in the eyes and mind of a child. Believing the impossible is a possibility. That is what we should do...because our God.....NOTHING is impossible with Him.
I want to believe in the impossible and the hope the keeps youth sparkling and vibrant.
Posted by Unknown at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Raindrops are how Spring breathes
Spring's raindrops and wind...hope and renewal. This plant that Jenny planted fascinates her. She loves this plant. She talks to it, sings to it and checks it every day. It is outgrowing the cup and we need to transplant it. I need to make sure I let God transplant me when I have outgrown the stage I am in. I don't need to hold on to the "bloom where I am planted" so hard that I miss out on God transplanting me to a bigger and better place. He is the Master and He knows just how much wind to send, how much rain to send and how much sun for each plant to grow. It is the same with our spirits. He knows what we need to grow and where we will grow best. He knows the trials we face are for a reason. Like plants we need to submit to the Master's hand and let HIM grow us.
Raindrops it is how spring breathes because the rain brings new life and growth. Without being watered it will not survive. Lord help me water my spirit with your Word. There is one difference between our spirits and a plant awaiting rain. We can't get too much of the watering of our souls by the Word. A plant can get too much rain and not survive. We on the other hand...the more we water our soul with the Word...the more and healthier we will grow.
I am sure someone may have come up with the phrase raindrops is how spring breathes but it dropped in my heart today...I don't think I have read that phrase any where before but nothing is new under the sun. The fact that Spring lives and brings new life is something that will apply to my spirit. I want new growth, so I am saying Lord......Let it rain and let spring breathe into my spirit by the power of YOUR Word.
Posted by Unknown at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2014
Through the eyes of a child.....
I am going to attempt to do a new "project" and let the Father show me something through this project. He said we are to have faith like a child. So for the next, however long it takes or until I feel like God is done with me and this project I am going to attempt to take a picture a day as if viewed through the eyes of a child. Then I am going to see what God shows me through those pictures and post it here on my blog.
........................I pray.........Lord lead me to what you want to show me. Help me see what you want me to see. Help me grow the way you want me to grow. Help me know what you want me to know and help me to be the me that you want me to be. Love well.....Me.
Posted by Unknown at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2014
I am thankful that the orthopedic doctor found the hairline fracture in Jenny's knee.
I am thankful it is just a fracture and not some of the things the ER doctor hinted it could be.
I am thankful that it is not a worse injury.
I am thankful that she is only 39 lbs, it makes lifting her in and out of the car and such a whole lot easier.
I am thankful that this evening she is in less pain.
I am thankful for a kind, caring staff at her school.
I am thankful that God is always in control.
I am thankful that my daughter can smile through tears and pain and trust her Lord to heal her.
I am thankful for a precious group of family and friends that show their love, support and prayers.
I am thankful...............just entirely and utterly THANKFUL
Posted by Unknown at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Waiting for answers.
Things have been a bit busy and hectic lately, but our biggest concern is for Jenny. 2-3 weeks ago on March 22, Jenny bumped her knee on our steps. She really didn't make much of a fuss about it. Cried a second or two and we went on with our day. The next day, a Sunday, she mentioned her knee hurt but she seemed fine. She'd played and danced in worship and we thought nothing of it. She asked Pastor Emily to pray for her which was done. On Monday, morning she said Mommy my knee still hurts. I looked and it was slightly puffy. I gave her Motrin and sent her to school.
That afternoon, I had cookies in the oven and let her brother pick her up from the bus stop. It is a couple blocks or so. She came limping home, ice bag in hand and said Mommy my knee REALLY hurts. I pulled up her pants leg and got a HUGE shock. Her knee was easily 2.5 to 3 times the normal size. I put ice on it and called my husband. Took a picture and texted it to him. He was shocked as well.
Posted by Unknown at 8:28 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Marching to His heartbeat
The Lord dropped that image into my heart and mind today. I love bands, marching bands. I love how they are synchronized to the music and they march in time with every beat of the music. God dropped an image of me marching in time to the beat of His heart beat. I want to live, dance, move to the beat of His heart. His heartbeat, can you imagine the beauty of that heartbeat?
I love to lay my head on my husband's chest and hear his heartbeat. There are times that I have lay with my head on his chest, and him sleeping. My own breathing and heartbeat seems to suddenly slow and align itself to his. That is how I want to live with Jesus. I want my own life to align with His very heartbeat.
His heartbeat drums out love, mercy, faith, joy, and so much more. His heartbeat says love them as I have loved you. Love everyone, regardless of who they are, where they come from, what they believe or what they do. His heartbeat says love as I loved. He ate with the outcasts. He healed those that society found unlovable and untouchable. He loved, His heartbeat is LOVE, pure LOVE.
Lord, let me live Your heartbeat.
Lord, let me walk to Your heartbeat.
Lord let me dance to Your heartbeat.
Lord let me march to Your heartbeat.
Posted by Unknown at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Let It Snow-----Father knows best
While part of the country sits under huge amounts of snow and are pleading with the Lord, make it stop.....
my children and myself are praying for snow. We would like just enough snow to play build a good snowman, go sledding, take pictures of snow fights, giggles in the snow and those snow angels.
I have been thinking about how each of us prays for different things. God decides on how to answer each request not based on who He "likes best", but what is best for each one that ask. God the Father doesn't have favorites. We are all HIS FAVORITES. We are His children. His workmanship, His beloved. He calls us precious. He calls us fearfully and wonderfully made. He saves each of our tears and counts them dear. He knows how much hair is on each of our heads and He cares about each of us to the minute detail. So....when He answers prayer...He isn't just haphazardly handing out yes or no or wait or maybe. He answers with a purpose and His ways are beyond anything we can imagine. His ways are better than our own.
So...whether we get snow tomorrow or not.......we will live in joy and walk through our day knowing that Father knows best in all things.
And we will dance with JOY.
Posted by Unknown at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Time in the Desert
I was thinking about those times we spend in the desert. How we wonder why or how we get in the desert and what it is we are supposed to learn in the desert. The Lord Jesus, Himself went into the wilderness to pray....and be separated from the world around Him. The enemy tried to tempt Him in hopes He could defeat Him. However, there is one thing I realized, the desert is not all dead and barren. Beautiful things grow in the desert. There is LIFE in the desert. I stopped and I thought about the life and beauty found in the desert that can not be found anywhere else.
Beauty grows in the desert, and is anything arrayed more beautiful than a flower created by our God to grow in the desert.
There are so many colors found in the desert, it isn't just dry and ugly and barren. The colors of the desert declare the glories of God.
The animals that live in the desert do not worry or fret about living in the desert. Their creator taught them how to survive, how to seek sustenance and nourishment and water in the desert. They survive even though it may be hard and times may get tough, they survive.
Beauty grows in the desert. So when our Lord takes us to the desert, it is to grow in us the things He can not grow in the valley or the mountain top. The life that lives in the desert is best suited to the desert. It grows best there because it was created to grow there. So when God takes us to the desert for a time, He puts in us what we need to survive in the desert. He does not abandon us. He is always there. He is in the wind and the heat that is getting rid of things He wants to take out. He is in the moisture hiding beneath the surface, found through prayer and time with Him for in the desert He provides streams of living water. If we keep walking and moving while in the desert we will find the oasis. However, if we sit down and bemoan the desert and why we are there, we can not find the moisture, the sustenance or the oasis. So on Him, we must depend to lead us to the streams in the desert.
Lord teach me to rely on you whether I am in the desert, the valley or on the mountain tops. Because Lord my time in the desert gets me ready for the mountain tops and you will never forsake me in the valley, or the desert but You are always leading me to the mountain tops and the higher places in You.
No matter where I am Lord, I promise to praise YOU.
Posted by Unknown at 8:08 PM 0 comments