Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer Day ---23.....One of those in the journey.

It has been one of those days.............too much to do, not enough time..............

Cranky kids......attempting to stay calm and patient Mommy..........sometimes succeeding...........other times.............not so much.  But the day is done, everyone is tired and has smiles on their faces.

The kids are folding their laundry.............yeah........I could get use to that.....(may have to refold a few pieces but at least they are trying).  So I have to say........all in all, it was a good day.

Even if they are folding with a chip bag at their feet and a cup they have not put back on the kitchen, who can possibly resist the joy with which they are folding. Now IF only I found that much joy in folding. I could learn a thing or two from those sweet faces.  Do everything with joy..........yep...........have I mentioned the Lord uses them to teach me something every day. So the house isn't cleaned to perfection, the the laundry is folded a little funny..............I have 3 little blessings who find joy in the journey........and I will jump in with them.