It was 4:30 AM. I was dreaming a crazy but good dream about my husband being super man but looking very much like himself.(Guess it is okay for me to think my beloved is super man). In the dream he was placing roses on a waterfall that said "surprise" that dream was interrupted by a voice in the night. So I have no idea what the surprise was.
It took me a moment to figure out the voice. It was a small, child like voice.....but yet I knew it was NOT one of my children. I listened.......and listened some more asking my husband......"did you hear one of the kids"...only to hear a grunt something akin to a no.
I listened some more........
a voice said "ba ba please"....... ba? No one in this house takes a ba ba and hasn't for some time.
Then I realized it had to be one of the children's dolls. I told Mike to go check.....cause it takes me a LONG time to drag my old, creaky, achy body out of bed. I figured it was one of the girls laying on a doll that talks.
No it was not that.
Finally, my husband discovered the was..........
BABY ELMO....sitting all one touching him.........asking for his "ba ba" without assistance from a human hand.
The sure sign.......he needs new batteries. Because Elmo toys of any kind are notorious for either talking without the help of human hands, growling, or laughing an evil sounding laugh in the darkest hours of the night......when batteries are fading. Yes.......ELMO is not possesses like some weird Chucky doll.....he just needs batteries. My darling husband rescued me from the voice of Elmo.....with the ingenious invention..........and OFF BUTTON.
I have had Elmo's growl at me or laugh that horrid battery dying laugh.......the disembodied voice of dolls..........but the worst was the night my infant daughter's heartbeat/womb bear started growling at 3 am. Just when I was ready to cast things out in the Name of Jesus from my home......I discovered the source.....the dying batteries of a bear causing it to growl in a most evil manner. So that voice in the night is USUALLY a sign something needs batteries.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
Too funny!
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