Life is busy so I haven't been on the last two days, put down my a 4 day headache. Today my mother watched the baby while I took some benadryl and slept all morning. Feeling much better. Plus yesterday, headache or not....Christopher had a doctor appointment. It is amazing how our bodies try to tell us to rest and we don't listen until we are flat on our back.
Anyway, I have kept up my love dare and am desperately trying to do it without letting my husband know since he saw the movie too. That is quite challenging. Here is the update.
Love Dare - Day 2
Do at least one unexpected gesture to your spouse as an act of kindness.
Ephesians 4:32
Date: 1/13/2009
Today I made rice krispy candy for my husband. A small batch just for him. I wanted to eat all of them as I LOVE THEM. They are one of my treat weaknesses. While I did share ONE with Jennifer cause she beseeched her daddy for one...with those big blue eyes looking expectantly and her wee voice saying "pweese me one daddy" and he said yes but the one she had was much too large so I shared with her. Other than that I left them alone. LOL. Oh I was so tempted to eat them up but I resisted. I also printed out a free printable I love you card and put with it. He was quite surprised and enjoyed them. I loved seeing him put some in a baggie to take to work. So far he does not know what I am up to. Hopefully.
Scripture for the day: "Be kind and compassionate one to another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you".
To often we find it easy to be kind to others outside our immediate family. We cook them dinners when they are sick or give them a kind word. But often for those who are our most beloved...we are short, cranky and irritable. Sometimes, we begrudgingly do things for them instead of being quick to act on a request or use a loving gesture. Sometimes we hold grudges over the little things instead of choosing to walk in forgiveness. I am trying not to sweat the small stuff and not let unforgiveness even get near the door of my heart. I love my husband. God placed him in my life for a reason and I want to honor that in all the things I do and say.
Love Dare - Day 3
Buy your spouse something that says, "I was thinking about you today."
Romans 12:10
Date: 1/14/2009
Today I bought him on of those sounds cards. It has Lady and the Tramp on it and sings "that's amore". It is one of our movies. He said "you are my lady and I am your tramp because he was all scruffy from a day's growth of beard when he read it. LOL. I said honey I dont think you are. And he smiled. It is so easy to love him sometimes. Other times it isn't. It is in those moments he isn't easy to love I need to remember the easy times. Because love is a choice. Love is action. Love is a verb not an adjective or an adverb. Love is a living, breathing entity or it needs to be.
Scripture of the day:
Romans 12:10: "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, honor one another above yourselves",
Devotion = 1. profound dedication, consecration
2. earnest attachment to.
If I am devoted to my husband then I am dedicated to him, his needs, showing him I love him. Consecration is a good word it usually is used in reference to giving ourselves totally and completely to God. However, in a marriage it means giving yourself to your husband in Christ like submission and love. It is not servant hood. It is willingly giving your husband the place God has given him in your home, heart and life. This for women is not easy but when we are "earnestly attached" to our husband through God's help this becomes and act of love. I need to work on putting my husband first more. That is what the Holy Spirit is pricking my conscience about the most. Too often because of the way he works I don't see him all day and I give every thing to the kids and the house and others. I don't save anything of my energy or attention for my husband. Not that I ignore him or reject him or fail to show him love......but undivided, clear devotion and attachment falls somewhere after bath and sleep at night. I need to work on this. I need to let him KNOW how much I treasure him by my actions. God forgive me be the type of wife that adores her husband in all her ways.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
I think it is so precious that you are doing this for your hubby!!
thanks Amy. I love him and too often I take him for granted. I want our kids to see too..that Mommy and Daddy love each other and to learn from us what I did NOT learn from my parents. I want them to have stability because their parents are in love with each other. I grew up in a home with issues..we will just leave it at that....LOL. And I want my kids to grow up in a happy, loving home where they know their parents love each other and them.
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