throws a curve ball at you. seems as if you can't put one foot in front of the other. But, you can always find one thing at least one, of which to be thankful. So today, I am counting my blessings.
I am thankful for my husband, in all his imperfections, because I know God is making him into something marvelous. The good work He has started in him, will be completed.
I am thankful for my children. I am thankful that they are normal and even though, they are not perfect, they are Promise with a capital P. They are possibility with a capital P. The future shines brightly in their eyes and God has given them a glorous destiny.
I am thankful for true friends. Friends, who love who when the chips are down and when the chips are up. Friends, who at a moments notice, will drop what they are doing and pray with you.
I am thankful for a Pastor who leads his church with God's love and mercy. Who expects God's people to do what is right and doesn't just pat them on the back and say, it's allright, but says it WILL BE allright as long as you surrender to God and what your Lord wants to do in you.
I am thankful that on those days, that I feel like crying, and throwing in the towel, my Lord, finds a way to pick me up. He holds me close and loves me. My Father, rocks me and whispers, sweet and low, "Do not fret my dear daughter. I am yours and you are mine. I love you. You can not be destroyed because I am your Father. I will go with you through the storm, the flood and the fire. You may have to go through it for a season, but I will never abandon you. I am with you in the wilderness. I am with you in the oasis. I am with you from the beginning until the end. Where ever you go, I am with you. I am yours and you belong to me.
I am so thankful for the cross of Calvary. Where my Lord, my God and my King bled and died. Where He gave His all that we might live. I am thankful the grave did not win, but He AROSE!
I am thankful that despair is but for a moment but joy comes in the morning.
I am thankful that even on the darkest day there is the promise the sun will rise and a new day will dawn.
I am thankful that in the storms there is always the promise of the rainbow. A promise of life and not destruction.
Psalm 23
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
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