There are many things in your child's life that swell your heart with pride and joy. But there is nothing like watching your child grow in the Lord. Christopher accepted Jesus as his Savior at age 5 and reaffirmed that faith at age 6.
This past Sunday, he was baptized as a representation of what Christ has done in his life. Added to that joy was the fact the church we attended before Mike started preaching twice per week at the small church let him baptize his son. This was Mike's first baptism.....and the significance that his first baptism was his first born is not lost on us. What an awesome blessing and privilege.
As I watched my son be baptized by his father.........I glowed with joy while tears rolled down my face. For me it was better than any award he could be given. For my son stood before all the church and professed he believe in the Lord Jesus and was ready for the world to know..he is born again, dead to sin, alive to Christ.
Before going up.....ever the 8 year old......."Look mom, I have wings like an angel"
With Daddy before going onto the baptismal...a father's love, a father's pride, a father's joy is his first born son who is growing up in the love of Jesus
By the profession of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
That he has confessed with his mouth that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, died for his sins and saved his soul
He was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
by the time he came up out of the water....I was unable to take the picture..LOL.
He was so tiny...his daddy had to hold him up out of the water and set him on his knee to keep him from being baptized before the actual baptism..LOL. As he went under his wee legs floated to the top..LOL. The whole church cheered as they welcomed a little brother and celebrated with us the new birth. God is good.
My children are growing in faith and I praise God that He saved my husband and I all those years ago so that we would train our children up in the ways of God. God is good all the time.
Watching my son profess his faith....means so much to me....all the struggles...all the health issues.....all the concerns are but a mere whisper to the joy in my heart that my son loves and wants to serve Jesus.
What greater gift is there to a mother than knowing her son loves the Lord Jesus and does so without shame but with gusto.
Wish we all had the faith that children have!
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
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