God is good...I believe in thanking God for the good things in our life. I am listing ten things I am thankful for on this Thursday
1. We got the results back on Christopher's growth hormone tests back today via a phone call. His results are NORMAL......are pretty much normal. His hormone is a little low but not deficient! Just as I thought...my little boy is small, fearfully and wonderfully made. He is tiny but he is mighty in faith and joy and compassion.
2. I am getting to babysit more to help hubby with the finances and while at times this wears me out..it helps us.
3. The answers on planting the church are not what my husband wanted but wise. The district wants to close this church and put Mike else where for now until he gets a little more experience under his belt as a pastor. I think this is wise. Mike graduated from Bible university in 2003 and we served as associates for 7 months. Then sat for a while and then Mike took this church a few months ago. Needing more experience before taking on church planting sounds very very wise to me. God speaks to our husbands when we don't know what to say. I am proud of the way Mike handled the words from the official. He did so with humility and grace. Yes, he is disappointed but he showed great maturity and growth in his response. I am proud of him.
4. Mike will still be pastoring this small church for a few more months giving him ample opportunity to preach, his great love. I love watching him preach. His passion and love for the Lord Jesus..literally glows from his eyes.
5. Jennifer is making progress on the potty despite having been so sick this week. She is trying so hard.
6. God is faithful and mighty. He answers prayer......big, small and in between. I know the answer is on the way for some major prayers I have been talking to Him about. I may not SEE the answers yet BUT I KNOW that I KNOW the answers are on the way.
7. I feel like God is doing a new thing in my heart, my family, my husband. Can't quite put a finger on what it is yet, but it is good, very good.
8. Hannah is being less whiney and trying to be a good girl during nap time at Pre-K. She too is showing signs of great faith growing in her precious little heart.
9. We were able to make rent and each month God helps us make ends meet even when it seems there is no way to do so. We are doing good as we can with our budget even when faced with unexpected ER visits and the like. I am not getting into despair about these things and AM learning to leave it in God's hands.
10. I can approach the throne, in the Holy of Holies...the very presence of my King because of my advocate Jesus. I am saved by grace and kept in His mighty hand despite how many times I let my impatience get the better of me and act decidely unlike the Proverbs 31 MOmmy. I am learning and growing daily in Jesus. All of us need to grow daily in Jesus. We can and will never stop learning in HIM.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
I'm sorry to hear about your church. Praying that God does a mighty work through your hubby! Sounds like God is blessing you tremendously!
Thank you. I think the district officials can't see the wisdom in sinking money into a church that has only 5 members...I can't say this for sure......many things could change. And this is just what seems to be happening...I don't understand it all or the politics behind church business. But we will stay there as long as God has us there and the district doesn't move us. Mike is being obedient to his authorities.
God is blessing in big ways and small ways....lot more of the small than the big.....LOL. The the small ways are precious to my heart.
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