I thought I was back when I last posted but ran into unforseen issues with our "new" computer. However, thanks to a smart hubby, I am finally back up and running. We are now protectedvia a new firewall, etc etc. In any case, being back on line is WONDERFUL.
Updates, where to begin? I have no idea. In late November, Christopher had a bout with severe asthma attack but we weathered it with God's help, a great doctor and NO HOSPITALIZATION! Can we say MIRACLE! I have pictures I will post later that shows how hard he had to work to breath and how bad he looked but how he recovered as well. We also knew that for our house Santa would not be making a stop or if he did that there would be very little under the tree. However, our family was adopted by some people in our church, without us asking. The kids got toys and clothes. Hannah got an African American cabbage patch doll and she said "Mommy I always wanted a brown baby, they are so pretty". Anyway 'Josephine' goes everywhere we do. Hannah feeds her, sleeps with her, doctors, her and declares I am Josephine's grandma. My child is thrilled with her doll. Hannah says all the time God made us all colors and He loves us very much and that is why I got a brown baby. I am proud with her grasp on the fact color has NOTHING to do with love. My Mama heart bursts with pride. Jennifer got a newborn cabbage patch doll and loves him. However by far her favorite two toys were a fisher price "piggy bank" for toddlers from her Aunt Theresa and a rocking horse my mil gave her after Christmas she found on sale for $5! Christopher received toys and clothes as well. But someone in the church gave the children's pastor a gift for him because and I quote "that little boy has blessed us so much." It was a get this.................Wii ! Yes, people a Wii ! Christopher had been asking for one for a long time but we told him no and not to expect Santa to leave him one. He told me that God could tell Santa to leave him one. I said Well I guess but God really cares more about our needs than our wants. Christopher just smiled and nodded as if he had a secret with God himself. I guess he did. And once again my little boy's faith proved stronger than my own! Who would have ever guessed an anonymous stranger in a church we have only attended 4 months would do such a thing! I am humbled, awed and inspired to work on my faith.
Mike has gotten a new job in avionic technical work. One of his great loves. This job will mean a raise and better hours and leave us available to find a church to pastor. We are still feeling the pinch of little $$$ as the transition is going to be a bit tough as the new job does not start until the 14th. For a while he will be working the new job plus half time at Walgreen's to keep our insuance in place during transition. As for me, nothing new to report but that I am determined to grow in the Lord this year like never before. I am determined to show the love of Jesus more than before and find all the blessings God puts in our lives each day instead of complaining about the trials I will learn from them.
That is it, in a very large nut shell but it is good to be back and watch the beginning of a new year unfold. I turned 40 on Jan 1st and I know great and mighty things will happen this year, I just know it.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
Glad you are finally back! And what a wonderful story about Christopher's Christmas gift! Amazing what faith can do.
thanks Shawna and AMEN to that! Faith works wonders.......
I can relate. Our Christmas was so tight with moving expenses. The kids each got one toy form us and a clearance rack outfit. And we used gift cards that we had received to get those. However God is so very GOOD and faithful. I love watching the faith of a child as God answers those prayers.
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