I am no longer going to be a mom with children at home during the day. I have been a stay at home mom for almost 11 years.
I have changed countless diapers, wiped noses again and again, kissed boo boos, mended toys and read stories. Now they will all be at school and Mommy's job has a new definition. While I will still do lots of those things, my children will be in the hands of others for a large part of the day.
I will now be the peruser of all things homework. I will listen to their day and decipher what needs a listening ear and what need intervention. I did some of this before but still had that last little one at home to offer the balance.
Our family is shifting, changing and growing. While part of me says this is bitter sweet. Another part of me says this is magnificent. Change brings growth. Families grow and change together and learn new things. It is good.
Hopefully, a job that works with the children's schedule will come into play. When that happens, I will become the "working mom". Now we all know that all mom's work. However, I will be learning too. I will learn to juggle, job, home, church, social lives of 3 children and much more.
I am up to the task. And I look to the future with anticipation of what God is going to do through us and in us. I want to prepare my children for the destiny God has called them to. I want to be the Mom, my kids know, prays about everything. The Mom they can come to about anything and know acceptance is not based on performance, but based on unconditional love.
Lord, let me be who you want me to be. Let me say what you want me to say. Let me make a difference in this world and in the lives of my children. Let my life count for you and your will.
Let me teach with love, discipline with mercy and hope in all things. Let my children see the light of Jesus in all my words, actions, deeds. May my hands be those to bless others. My words be those that build up and never tear down.
Let me support my husband in ways seen and unseen. May our home always be a soft place to land and a warm blanket of love with the light of love shining like beacon to all who see it.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
Have prayed for you my sweet daughter for over 11 years, in fact the day you walked into our lives. You are a wonderful Mom, wife and daughter-in-law. Love you deally and look forward to the next adventure in your life.
Love Mom
Thanks mom, I love you...too. God is going to do great and mighty things!
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