I may be bordering on insanity how happy I get over Jenny's preK progress and when she does something cute and smart and witty. She is doing great with PreK. She can read some words now...cat, hat,mat, dog, mommy, daddy, Jenny, Christopher and Hannah plus sound out some more with help. She read a first stage phonics book and loves to do worksheets. That girl goes through worksheets like they are candy.
Today as I posted on facebook, she asked for puh, puh, pizza for lunch. Made me literally laugh out loud for the joy and fun of it. It means she is applying what she learns.
This brought to my mind how happy our Father must be when we His children, get something He wants us to learn. When we do something He wants us to do. It must be akin to the joy we feel when our children accomplish things. Their first steps....oh how much rejoicing the Father must get when we take first steps in faith. Each new experience requires from us a new step of faith. When we take that step at His leading what joy He must feel.
When we hear our children say "I love you Mommy, I love you Daddy"...what sheer happiness and warmth it brings to our hearts. The same goes for our Father. When we say I love you and we praise Him it brings Him pleasure and joy. He loves us far more than we can ever love our own children.
Today as I willingly and happily gave my daughter a slice of pizza, we had frozen as leftovers..it made me realize what joy it brings the Lord to fulfill our needs, wants and desires. However, they must line up with His will. Just as if, Jenny had only asked for ice cream the answer would have had to be no, because ice cream is good but not as a nutritious lunch. Our Father is the same, He knows what is good and beneficial for us. He answers accordingly. Yes sometimes, He makes us wait. Sometimes, He says yes. And oh my sometimes He says NO.
What is my reaction when He says no. Do I throw a tantrum? Do I get down on myself and say I must not be good enough cause He said no. His no is for our benefit. He knows we aren't happy with a no but how we react is crucial. We can even tell Him we are upset, but we can not let us stop us in our tracks as we wallow in the no. We must take those steps of faith and keep on knowing and believing He is our Father who LOVES us. Loves us enough to let His beloved Son bear our sins. That is a Father's love. The Son did ask if the cup could pass but even so if it could not..He would willingly lay down His life for us. The answer was no to Jesus. He could not do it another way. He willingly bore it all to the cross and the Father had to turn His back on the sins Jesus took for us. That is love. No is not always a bad thing. No can save a life. No can build character. No can be the catalyst for us becoming more in God.
I am trying to listen to God more...not just react to the stuff that happens in our lives. When He says no...I am trying to take it with grace and love and not get bogged down with the no. Does it keep me from asking ...not necessarily because sometimes it is wait. Unless God clearly tells you no..keep asking and believing until it is clear what His answer is going to be. Once the answer is clear...walk in the faith God, our loving Father had a reason for that answer. Easy to say...not easy to do. Faith...comes in to play when God says no. Are we going to keep on loving Him regardless of His answer? My choice is to love Him no matter what and trust that His way and will is the best.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
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