We pack the truck on Monday. Time draws near for our big move to Tennessee. I truly go with peace in my heart but sad to leave behind friends. Life is an adventure. You never know what lays beyond the bend. As I have packed boxes that contain our lives it has made me think about the stuff we accumulate. Some of it, is irreplacable. Like the drawing Hannah made of a duck last week. Really the first recognizalbe animal she has ever drawn. How do you replace things like that? You dont. There there are those items that are irrevelant to life, like the 100th Macdonald's toy from the Cars Movie. After all, most times you go to Macdonald's your child gets the same toy, over and over and over again. Then there are those things that are important, tax papers, bills, yeah they follow you. When you look at your home after you have been packing, you realize your earthly life can be contained, boxed up and hidden away. Much like our emotions can be, BUT the things of real value, you can not put in a box. Faith, hope, love, kindness. Those things can't be boxed up, but they can be hidden if we don't let them out to touch others. All this "stuff" is disposable but character, love, faith, hope, compassion is not disposable. If we use it, it has a lasting effect on those we touch. How we use it, is just as important as when, where, and why we use it. Because used in the wrong way those same things can cause pain. So what is in my life boxes? Do I keep the real me hidden away in an box? Or do I let my life touch others? Do I hold value in the physical things that are corruptible and disposable or do I place more value in those things that really can not be held in a paste board box? When I look at my children do they know the things that matter? Am I teaching my children that the important things come from the heart and their character? If their lives and the things they can do could be put in a box, what would it look like when it was opened? Would it be a treasure or would it be just surface material? I want my life box to contain, love, faith, hope, kindness, compassioin and so much more. I want my life box to contain things that are incorruptible. Things that can be passed on for generations through my children, and my children's children. I want to matter to someone. I dont need wordly fame, wealth, or things. I need to know that I made a difference to someone. That I made someone KNOW they are loved. That I let others know that living for the Lord Jesus, isn't just words. That it is actions too. And that just because some in society give Christianity a bad view, not all of us do. That there are people out here who are Christians that DO love like Jesus wants us to. That we treat all our fellow man with HIS love and not for our own motives. I want to make a difference. When I stand in judgement and God opens the box of my life, I want it to be full of things that did not turn to dust. I want it to be full of the things He finds beautiful, which can not be measured with man's judgement. I hope my life box continues to fill up with beautiful things that matter and touch others.
My 2024 Reading List
As is my annual habit, here is my reading list from 2024. Looks like I was
a little lazier this year about writing much about the books - some years I
1 month ago
That's a beautiful and thoughtful post. I enjoyed reading it. I hope your move goes well.
thanks so much
Beautifully said Thelma! And you have made a difference in my life just by your unwavering faith and example :-)
A blog you might enjoy
thanks Shawna....and that is so humbling....thanks my friend. going to check out the blog now...thanks again.
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