Friday, February 24, 2012

The Perfect Mother

My little girl said to me…Mommy you are the best mommy in the world to me

I looked at her and felt the lack of all the things that I could be..

I know my mistakes, my stumbles and my falls all the things I am yet to be

I kept my thoughts to myself as she put her sweet lips up for a kiss

Love light filled her eyes and joy filled love I could not miss.

I whispered to my Father above…Lord, what she says is not me

And He lovingly whispered back..perfection is not in what you do
It is not in what you say

But it is in the love you willingly give when you are tired.

It is in the times you walk the floor holding your children close

Praying that this bout of cold will end.

It is the times you sew on a project, due the next day

Or go without when your child needs something.

Perfection is in the way you love your child mistakes and all

Because she is the perfect child for you and you are the perfect mother for her.

Perfection is, knowing you make mistakes and being willing to learn and grow

And striving to be all you can be, even when you have felt like giving up.

Perfection in motherhood is not about never making mistakes…

It is about loving your child through the mistakes and learning

That love transcends all time, space and errors…

Perfection is those times your cry out to me and say

I cannot do this another day

And lean on me, to hold you up.

Perfection is knowing you want to do better and trying to do so

And loving your children and teaching them to never give up…

Perfection in motherhood is knowing you can’t be perfect but trusting

You have and will do your best to love and teach your children

To rise above their mistakes and believe they can be all they can be..

In other words, my child, Perfection is what you see mirrored in your child’s eyes.

Because she loves you just as you are…just as I do.

By Thelma Strobl  February 24, 2012(Copyright 2012..Thelma Strobl)
Dedicated to my 3 children who are the perfect children for me.