Good old golden rule days.............
It's that time of year is just about here, the summer is over. It is bitter sweet. Watching them grow and learn is so much fun but having them gone all day....yeah not such a fan.
I am so trying to get back into blogging every day. I hope I can get back into it by blogging the school year and adventures.
I pray for the teachers as they teach our most precious gifts. I pray for stamina, strength and patience. I pray for them to be able to see what each student needs most to grow and thrive as they learn.
I pray for the kids as they learn and grow. I pray for kids not to be bullies and to learn compassion and kindness. I pray for kids to be quick to listen, obey and learn. I pray for safety.
I pray for parents, first time parents who are letting their little on go for the first time. For them as they learn what it is like to let go a little more each day.
I pray for the weary parent who is looking forward to the year to start in order to get a reprieve from the 24/7 challenges he or she has faced.
I pray for the parent of the special needs child who needs extra support, love and understanding.
I pray for administrators and staff from the principal to the janitors as they go about their tasks each day trying to make school a fun and safe place to learn and grow.
May your days be filled with joy, whatever role you play and may this year be the best one yet.